Conjugation of STATE

state affairs state affiliate state agency state aid state apparatus state archive state authorities state authority state ballot state bar state benefit state biologist state bird state board state body state border state building state business state call State capital State Capitol state capitol state car state certification State Certified Midwife state church state college state commission state committee state contract State control state court state craft state director state earnings related scheme state election state elections state employee state energy State Enrolled Nurse state finance state flower state force state funds state guard state highway State house state income state inspector state institution state investigator state job state judge state law state lawmaker state legislation state level state limit state loan state lottery state mandate state medical board state medical board review state medicine state medium state million state museum state newspaper state office state official state one's intention to buy state order state organisation state organization state-owned radio state-owned television state party state penitentiary State police state policy state president state priority state project state property state radio state reason State Registered Nurse state regulation state reimbursement State Representative state requirement state resident state resource state responsibility state restaurant state road state room State's attorney State's evidence state school state secret state sector State senator state service state slaughterhouse state song state-sponsored terrorism state sting state subsidies state subsidy state support state system state team state television state terrorism state tree state trooper State university state utility state visit state water