Conjugation of bollocks up [v.]
-bollocks up
Ibollocks up
youbollocks up
hebollockses up
webollocks up
youbollocks up
theybollocks up
Ibollocksed up
youbollocksed up
hebollocksed up
webollocksed up
youbollocksed up
theybollocksed up
Iwillbollocks up
youwillbollocks up
hewillbollocks up
wewillbollocks up
youwillbollocks up
theywillbollocks up
Ihavebollocksed up
youhavebollocksed up
hehasbollocksed up
wehavebollocksed up
youhavebollocksed up
theyhavebollocksed up
-bollocksing up
-bollocksed up
Words with the same pattern :
discuss again piss with rain gross out pass judgment snatch from touch upon zero in on pass along smooth over touch a chord vouch in mix with switch over buzz off wash the dishes wash again fix up push into neutral thresh about branch off ... (357 mots)