Conjugation of fob off on [v.]
-fob off on
Ifob off on
youfob off on
hefobs off on
wefob off on
youfob off on
theyfob off on
Ifobbed off on
youfobbed off on
hefobbed off on
wefobbed off on
youfobbed off on
theyfobbed off on
Iwillfob off on
youwillfob off on
hewillfob off on
wewillfob off on
youwillfob off on
theywillfob off on
Ihavefobbed off on
youhavefobbed off on
hehasfobbed off on
wehavefobbed off on
youhavefobbed off on
theyhavefobbed off on
-fobbing off on
-fobbed off on
Words with the same pattern :
rub it in rub out rub against bob under rub in fob off scrub up rub over rub along grub up stab to death dab at fob off with rob of rub down bob up rub off fob off on stub out blab out ... (25 mots)