sing. | tea cosy |
plur. | tea cosies |
Words with the same pattern :
bottomry household policy nectary national lottery state subsidy xerocopy immutability cabby Family Health Service Authority nuclear safety tetravalency civil duty univalency portrait photography nonfrangibility monostely export-import company electronegativity electrocautery overtimidity ... (9055 mots)
sing. | tea cosy |
plur. | tea cosy |
Words with the same pattern :
bourgeois dermestes poimenics vespers balbuties wye calisthenics spindleshanks kos exotic fish valgus Veronese Nipponese ancon sheep hawse cunnilingus bigarreau isometrics red deer statics ... (1378 mots)
tea cosy
Parts of speech:
adj. adjective
n. noun
v. verb
sing. singular
plur. plural
pos. positive
comp. comparative (more)
super. superlative (the most)