Conjugation of tug out [v.]
-tug out
Itug out
youtug out
hetugs out
wetug out
youtug out
theytug out
Itugged out
youtugged out
hetugged out
wetugged out
youtugged out
theytugged out
Iwilltug out
youwilltug out
hewilltug out
wewilltug out
youwilltug out
theywilltug out
Ihavetugged out
youhavetugged out
hehastugged out
wehavetugged out
youhavetugged out
theyhavetugged out
-tugging out
-tugged out
Words with the same pattern :
plug up rig up drag through the mud plug into drag along bug out frig around beg for alms drag out tag along behind fog up log off leg it fag out wag the tail tog out shrug off beg for tog up plug away ... (55 mots)