sing. | iris |
plur. | irides |
Words with the same pattern :
ephemeris raphis heres incus ascaris glomerulonephritis allantois glans pyelonephritis iritis agrotis proglottis spinal meningitis emys cantharis enterohepatitis haeres nereis monas parulis ... (35 mots)
sing. | iris |
plur. | irises |
Words with the same pattern :
galleta grass barn itch SCSI data bus spookiness comprehensibleness blackberry bush overaggressiveness inchoateness nondeliberateness unhappiness goatishness superflux hepialus ruefulness gainlyness likeness irrecoverableness curativeness cantankerousness adulteress ... (7757 mots)
Parts of speech:
adj. adjective
n. noun
v. verb
sing. singular
plur. plural
pos. positive
comp. comparative (more)
super. superlative (the most)