Conjugation of rat on [v.]
-rat on
Irat on
yourat on
herats on
werat on
yourat on
theyrat on
Iratted on
youratted on
heratted on
weratted on
youratted on
theyratted on
Iwillrat on
youwillrat on
hewillrat on
wewillrat on
youwillrat on
theywillrat on
Ihaveratted on
youhaveratted on
hehasratted on
wehaveratted on
youhaveratted on
theyhaveratted on
-ratting on
-ratted on
Words with the same pattern :
fit to commit unlawful entry fit out dot the i's and cross the t's vet for military service rat on spot promote bat mitzvah fit in commit fraud submit an application kit out commit to paper trot out swot up blat out submit to the yoke submit a request fit in with commit a crime ... (56 mots)