Conjugation of sacrifice oneself [v.]
-sacrifice oneself
Isacrifice myself
yousacrifice yourself
hesacrifices himself
wesacrifice ourselves
yousacrifice yourself
theysacrifice theirselves
Isacrificed myself
yousacrificed yourself
hesacrificed himself
wesacrificed ourselves
yousacrificed yourself
theysacrificed theirselves
Iwillsacrifice myself
youwillsacrifice yourself
hewillsacrifice himself
wewillsacrifice ourselves
youwillsacrifice yourself
theywillsacrifice theirselves
Ihavesacrificed myself
youhavesacrificed yourself
hehassacrificed himself
wehavesacrificed ourselves
youhavesacrificed yourself
theyhavesacrificed theirselves
-sacrificing oneself
-sacrificed oneself
Words with the same pattern :
sacrifice oneself inconvenience oneself deprive oneself pride oneself relieve oneself prove oneself distance oneself declare oneself trouble oneself