Conjugation of trim down [v.]
-trim down
Itrim down
youtrim down
hetrims down
wetrim down
youtrim down
theytrim down
Itrimmed down
youtrimmed down
hetrimmed down
wetrimmed down
youtrimmed down
theytrimmed down
Iwilltrim down
youwilltrim down
hewilltrim down
wewilltrim down
youwilltrim down
theywilltrim down
Ihavetrimmed down
youhavetrimmed down
hehastrimmed down
wehavetrimmed down
youhavetrimmed down
theyhavetrimmed down
-trimming down
-trimmed down
Words with the same pattern :
jam on hum and haw chum up with stem from ram home brim over lam into ham it up slam dance drum up chum up skim through slam shut hem in drum out brim over with trim back hem and haw bum about bum around ... (33 mots)