Conjugation of wall up [v.]
-wall up
Iwall up
youwall up
hewalls up
wewall up
youwall up
theywall up
Iwalled up
youwalled up
hewalled up
wewalled up
youwalled up
theywalled up
Iwillwall up
youwillwall up
hewillwall up
wewillwall up
youwillwall up
theywillwall up
Ihavewalled up
youhavewalled up
hehaswalled up
wehavewalled up
youhavewalled up
theyhavewalled up
-walling up
-walled up
Words with the same pattern :
happen on twist around land in act involuntarily play chess snow under invest money in pump out walk around freeload off call it even fast dye scour off palm off onto bomb up mound over play possum foist off bowl over flood out ... (2030 mots)