-wolf whistle
Iwolf whistle
youwolf whistle
hewolfs whistle
wewolf whistle
youwolf whistle
theywolf whistle
Iwolfed whistle
youwolfed whistle
hewolfed whistle
wewolfed whistle
youwolfed whistle
theywolfed whistle
Iwillwolf whistle
youwillwolf whistle
hewillwolf whistle
wewillwolf whistle
youwillwolf whistle
theywillwolf whistle
Ihavewolfed whistle
youhavewolfed whistle
hehaswolfed whistle
wehavewolfed whistle
youhavewolfed whistle
theyhavewolfed whistle
-wolfing whistle
-wolfed whistle
Words with the same pattern :
happen on twist around land in act involuntarily play chess snow under invest money in pump out walk around freeload off call it even fast dye scour off palm off onto bomb up mound over play possum foist off bowl over flood out ... (2030 mots)
sing. | wolf whistle |
plur. | wolf whistles |
Words with the same pattern :
compulsory education quinoxalin troll pawn glaive jet pump inthronization Glisson's rule computer centre election judge military buildup first-timer nut cutlet figurehead summit camp aleuriospore assailer tentative contract transparence neep ... (105059 mots)
wolf whistle
Parts of speech:
adj. adjective
n. noun
v. verb
sing. singular
plur. plural
pos. positive
comp. comparative (more)
super. superlative (the most)